Top-level page for a section for documentation concerning the operation of the Asterisk program and it’s environment. Such as: , How to run Asterisk, System requirements, Maintenance, Logging, CLI usage, etc.
System Requirements
Running Asterisk
Maintenance and Upgrades
Asterisk Command Line Interface
What is the CLI?
The Command Line Interface, or console for Asterisk, serves a variety of purposes for an Asterisk administrator.
- Obtaining information on Asterisk system components
- Affecting system configuration
- Seeing log output, errors and warnings in real-time
- Generating calls for testing
- Viewing embedded help documentation such as for APIs, applications, functions and module configuration
- The sub-sections under this page will discuss how to access and use the CLI. That is, CLI syntax, command line help, and other CLI related topics.
For information on configuration of the CLI, see the Asterisk CLI Configuration section of the wiki.